Happy 2017!

Less than two weeks into 2017 and already this has become a year of firsts for me. My first website, my first book to be published in my first book series, and my first press release. And this is my first official blog post too! So many firsts in such a short period of time. It’s really quite amazing, as well as humbling and a little overwhelming too.

Over twenty years ago, I started this writing journey as a way to unwind from a stressful job. Soon, however, it became a passion. Like most writers, I dreamed of one day being published, but after numerous setbacks and disappointments, I had doubts I ever would. I’d also lost the joy of writing, which had been so relaxing and restorative to me before. It eventually became clear that if being published was my ultimate aim, disappointment would be my destiny.

Letting go of my dream of being published wasn’t easy. In fact, I grieved about it for some time. But in all my striving for success, I’d lost the joy of writing. I’d turned it into something bigger and grander than it needed to be, and much less fulfilling. So I decided instead to learn to be the best writer I could, published or not. I joined a critique group to help me hone my craft, read books on writing, attended conferences, started writing devotionals, etc., and, most importantly, turned over my publishing aspirations to God. Without the pressure of being published, I rediscovered the joy of writing.

Attending a writing conference last May, I “happened” to meet my current publisher. She asked about my books, and before I knew it I had been offered a publishing contract. My life had come full circle. By being prepared without striving to be published, I was ready when the opportunity came. I still can’t believe it’s actually happening, but I know God’s hand is in it, and I’m so glad the timing was His and not mine. All those years working to improve my craft helped prepare me for this day, but more importantly taught me to focus on doing the best I can do, regardless of the outcome. That’s a lesson I don’t ever want to forget.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. I hope life’s simple pleasures bring you peace and joy this year and always.

2 thoughts on “Happy 2017!

  1. I’m glad you rediscovered your joy of writing and met your current publisher. I’m also glad I had connected with her over a year ago and had the privilege of proofreading your book. I really enjoyed the story. I am looking forward to more books in your Peril in the Park series. Blessings on you!

    1. And to you! Thank you for your encouraging words! Book #2, Dangerous Ground, will have more national park adventures, this time, in the Great Smoky Mountains!

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